NICMOS ImageObjects

Class used to model NICMOS specific instrument data.

Authors:Christopher Hanley, David Grumm, Megan Sosey
class drizzlepac.nicmosData.NICMOSInputImage(filename=None)[source]

Bases: drizzlepac.imageObject.imageObject


Convert the data to electrons

This converts all science data extensions and saves the results back to disk. We need to make sure the data inside the chips already in memory is altered as well.


Return the dark current for the NICMOS detectors.

darkcurrent : float

Dark current value with units of cps.

getdarkimg(self, chip)[source]

Return an array representing the dark image for the detector.

dark : array

The dark array in the same shape as the image with units of cps.

getexptimeimg(self, chip)[source]

Return an array representing the exposure time per pixel for the detector.

dark: array

Exposure time array in the same shape as the input image

getflat(self, chip)[source]

Method for retrieving a detector’s flat field.

flat : array

The flat field array in the same shape as the input image with units of cps.


isCountRate: Method or IRInputObject used to indicate if the science data is in units of counts or count rate. This method assumes that the keyword ‘BUNIT’ is in the header of the input FITS file.

class drizzlepac.nicmosData.NIC1InputImage(filename=None)[source]

Bases: drizzlepac.nicmosData.NICMOSInputImage

setInstrumentParameters(self, instrpars)[source]

This method overrides the superclass to set default values into the parameter dictionary, in case empty entries are provided.

class drizzlepac.nicmosData.NIC2InputImage(filename=None)[source]

Bases: drizzlepac.nicmosData.NICMOSInputImage


Add in a mask for the coronographic hole to the general static pixel mask.

setInstrumentParameters(self, instrpars)[source]

This method overrides the superclass to set default values into the parameter dictionary, in case empty entries are provided.

class drizzlepac.nicmosData.NIC3InputImage(filename=None)[source]

Bases: drizzlepac.nicmosData.NICMOSInputImage

setInstrumentParameters(self, instrpars)[source]

This method overrides the superclass to set default values into the parameter dictionary, in case empty entries are provided.